
The features you need to know about sectional residential door are:

1. Double skinned panels of galvanized stucco steel sheet with thickness 0,5 mm of heat insulation hard polyurethane 45 kgr/m3.
Total panel thickness 42mm.

2.Stucco surface which perfectly combines the modern with the classic and gives the door maximum endurance and protection against possible damage.

3. Wide range of powder coating colours (AKZO NOBEL) with excellent resistance to outdoor conditions and excellent colour retention that meets the requirements of all major European architectural standards BS EN 12206:2004 PART I, QUALICOAT CLASS I and GSB.

4.Guides and heavy type angle of galvanized steel sheet thickness 2mm.

5.Adjustable torsion springs in a steel reinforced shaft for better balance of door.

6.Hinges of metal galvanized steel heavy type thickness 2,5 mm (for doors over 4m).

7. Special rubbers from EPDM which adjust to all door types, increasing sealing and minimizing t losses of ventilation.

Laterally throughout the height

Intermediate in joints

-Double bottom profile at bottom panel of the door

-In the last upper panel adjoining to the front of the frame


Glavas Systems offers a wide range of products relating to security and providing maximum protection:

  • Spring failure device. Adjusts the shaft of the sectional door and prevents undesirable movement of the door downwards in case of spring damage.
  • Safety edge or motion detection photocells whose installation is essential when the door is remotely operated in accordance with safety standard EN 13241-1
  • Finger protection. Specially planned and designed panel that during closing prevents the trapping of fingers between the panels.

Operating modes of horizontal lifting:

  • Double Guide (20cm)
  • Double Guide (16cm)
  • Single guide (42cm)


Extra features – combinations

  • Windows made of polycarbonate material double glazing with perimeter sealing rubber and with the use of different types of windows. Different facets of doors can be constucted. Available in various standard dimensions adding more lighting outdoors.
  • Glass aluminium frames made of polycarbonate material single glazing. In the case of glass, polyurethane panels are replaced by aluminium profile with PLEXI GLASS 5mm thickness. The dimensions of the glasses vary in width and height and are shaped appropriately according to the dimensions of each door.
  • Pedestrian doors: available in a wide range of colours and designs with or without glass with aluminium perimeter frame. With handle lock and return mechanism in order to ensure that will always remain closed during operation.
  1. Built-in: in case the roof door needs to remain closed (especially during winter months) then the built-in door can facilitate the crosswalk reducing unnecessary use of the main door especially in industry.
  2. Non built-in: preferred where the space mounting of the roof door is large and is not considered necessary the construction of a built-in.

Replaces the common aluminium door and is available in the same design and colour with the main door, creating this way a premium and harmonious aesthetic result.

Innovative new product

Glavas Systems constantly drawing attention in the research and the safety of its products and basic aim of providing effective customer service, presents a technological innovation, a combination of safety and aesthetic, built-in door with a minimum threshold.

A completely functional solution that facilitates the crossing of pedestrians as well as small wheeled machines something which was considered very difficult regarding the existing technology.

Possibility of manual operation.

The door is accompanied by safety lock which is operated with bars locking into two points (left – right). The lock is suitable for garage doors and small industrial doors.

Possibility of motorized operation.

With single-phased motors with guides, mostly with chain – with a choice of their length in accordance with the requirements of each case. Certain models are also available belt driven.

Advantages included:

  • built-in lamp
  • release lock
  • limit switches
  • power regulating
  • possibility of discontinuation at any point
  • silent operation
  • elegant design
  • A remote control, button, key selector, keyboard, photocell, flasing, antenna, safety edge etc. can be adapted.



Ι. Security Requirements for dimension 600×350 in accordance with European Standard EN 13241-1

a)dangerous materials
b)safe Mode
c)operating forces
d)wind load

ΙΙ. Quality ISO 9001:2008


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