Automatic Door - Label Evo

Label Evo represents a new product generation for high frequency Automatic sliding door. The product covers standard exterior solutions, although more attention was given to interior ideas.

Sophisticated technology offers continuous operation, reliability, energy efficiency and architectural design.

An Intelligent and modern compact driver integrates digital control, silent operation, a combination of accessories, high security and built in sensors.

In this way, Label Evo high-frequency usage sliding door represents a suitable solution in the commercial, touristic, health-care/medical, pharmaceutical, chemical and alimentary industries.

Automatic Door – Label Evo glavas aluminium pvc systemsAutomatic Door – Label Evo glavas aluminium pvc systemsAutomatic Door – Label Evo glavas aluminium pvc systemsAutomatic Door – Label Evo glavas aluminium pvc systemsAutomatic Door – Label Evo glavas aluminium pvc systemsAutomatic Door – Label Evo glavas aluminium pvc systems


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